Our Work

Our work is guided by the Social Teaching of the Church (STC), and includes the following activities:

Providing Civic Education on:

  • Peace building, Healing and Reconciliation
  • Voter education, Election Observation and/or Monitoring
  • STCs
  • Human Rights
  • Democratic governance (home, church, work, government, etc.)
  • Economic and Social Justice

Research, Advocacy and Lobbying for Justice and Peace:

  • Participating in faith based advocacy among decision makers that include national and local government, to ensure that our voice as Catholics is heard in promoting justice and peace.
  • Continuous assessment and monitoring of our own activities and programs for informed, faith and evidence based advocacy.
  • Sharing experiences with other parishes and learning from each other.
  • Production and effective dissemination of informational and educational material on justice and peace.
  • Reporting on events and developments at section levels, which will be collated to form the parish report, for onward transmission to the Deanery, then Archdiocese.
  • Working closely with other organisations that do similar work at local, Diocese and national levels (e.g. ZLHR, LRF, ZWLA).
  • Effective use of electronic, print, social & other media to promote justice & peace.